摘要:This is a discursive article based on recent research into higher level skills gaps in the Tees Valley; it discusses what Higher Education in the UK may look like in the future, both in terms of curriculum and pedagogy. In the last twelve months a plethora of policy documents and initiatives (UK and beyond) focussed on future jobs and the importance of higher level skills have emerged, this paper attempts to put the findings of the Tees Valley research within this context. Society is changing and one of the results of this is that new skills emerge along with the need for new ways of learning. The traditional model of full time university is no longer the only way to participate in higher education. Higher level learning needs to be flexible, adaptable and above all relevant. Generic, transferable life skills emerge as one of the most important factors to consider when contemplating higher level skills. Not only are they what employers feel are lacking in graduates but they are also the skills that will help individuals to become competent and adaptable learners. With these attributes learners become better equipped to cope with the demands of ever evolving occupations in the future. Higher education needs to be multi-faceted; ensuring that individuals learn how to learn and also develop the relevant skills required by business. The research findings are contextualised by examples of current academic activity and curriculum developments with employers and employees in a University’s business school in the North East of England.
关键词:higher level skills; workplace learning; business engagement; employability; skills gaps at Level 4 and above.