The basic information for computing the quantitative statistical indicators,that characterize the demand of industrial products and services are collected bythe national statistics organizations, through a series of statistical surveys (mostof them periodical and partial). The source for data we used in the present paperis an statistical investigation organized by the National Institute of Statistics,"Family budgets survey" that allows to collect information regarding the householdscomposition, income, expenditure, consumption and other aspects of populationliving standard. In 2005, in Romania, a person spent monthly in average391,2 RON, meaning about 115,1 Euros) for purchasing the consumed food productsand beverage, as well as non-foods products, services, investments and othertaxes. 23% of this sum was spent for purchasing the consumed food products andbeverages, 21.6% of the total sum was spent for purchasing non-food goods and18,1% for payment of different services. There is a discrepancy between the differentdevelopment regions in Romania, regarding total households expenditurecomposition. For this reason, in the present paper we applied statistical methodsfor ranking the various development regions in Romania, using the share of householdsíexpenditure on categories of products and services as ranking criteria.