摘要:Everyone with some capacity for observation, who seriously considers what is called education, or has thought about the conditions in a so-called learning institution, must surely be assailed by profound misgivings. What does it mean that all these thousands call themselves teachers as a matter of course? People who perhaps never really think about learning, who never talk with or about their students! People upon whom it has never dawned that they might have any obligation to their students, people who do not regard it as a maxim to be thoughtful toward their students, or do not count even this quite necessary! Yet all these people, calling themselves teachers, are recognized as teachers by the State, are buried as teachers, are certified as teachers for eternity! At the bottom of this there must be a tremendous confusion, a frightful illusion, there surely can be no doubt. But to stir up such a question! Yes, I know the objections well. For there are those who understand what I mean, but who would say with a good-natured slap on the back, ‘My dear fellow, you are still rather naive to want to embark on such an undertaking, an undertaking which, if it is to have any success at all, will require at least half a score of insightful people; an undertaking which means neither more nor less than proposing to reintroduce learning…into education. No, my dear fellow let us be clear; such an undertaking is beyond your powers and mine. It is just as madly ambitious as wanting to reform the “crowd,” with which no sensible person wants to mix. To start such a thing is certain ruin’.