Following the significant topic of the interference between Science-Religion-and Art, this paper focuses on an important chapter of the Romanian literature, that was the literary group promoted by the publication Gandirea (gandirism/orthodoxism or traditionalism). The relation of Man with God expressed in a philosophical meditation in essays (such as Nichifor Crainic’s Nostalgia paradisului/ The Nostalgia of the Paradise) or in a lyrical manner (such as Blaga’s poetry as well as Crainic’s and Voiculescu’s poems) is explored starting from a stanza by Nichifor Crainic: Si-nomenea pe Dumnezeu si-ndumenzeia pe om (Turning God in a simple man and turning man in a God). Here, Nichifor Crainic, Blaga or Vasile Voiculescu express – in a lyrical manner – the perennial attempt of Man to decipher the mystery of the world and their literary work asserts that first of all seeking means faith, the assurance of God’s existence.