摘要:The present work is part of my dissertation paper and has as theme, the magazine “Gandirea” and the literary trend Gandirismul, which outlines the mystical-religious poetry as being a scientific work. In my paper it can be found unprecedented data about Zorica La.cu Teodosia, one of the promoters of the mystical religious poetry. Making her debut at “Gandirea” magazine, her poetry is inspired by the gandirist movement. There are some reasons for which we do not know much about her life and her work, one of them being the political one, meaning the communist regime. The communist ideology forbade any manifestation of the sacred in Romanian culture. The operational concepts of mystic poetry and religious poetry are being discussed, analysed, compared, based on a study made by Eugen Dorcescu, The poetic of non-immanence. The terms mystical, sacred, religious, are analysed making use of several Romanian and foreign dictionaries, then compared.nd