Critical Precipitations Spells Westward of Apuseni Mountain. The increasing of climatic hazards frequency requires more and more detailed studies on this issue. The main aim of this paper is to identify the critical precipitations spells for the areas located westward od Apuseni Mountains. In this respect, we used statistical data from 1971-2000, data gathered at 6 weather stations: Oradea, Chişineu Criş, Arad, Borod, Holod, Gurahonţ. Main conclusions of the study are: in the whole area, the most days in the year (115...138) have an precipitations occuring frequency of 30...40%; at the weather stations near Western Carpathians (Borod, Holod, Gurahjonţ), the number of rainy days with occuring frequency higher than 40% is increasing if compared to the other analysed weather stations; the lengh of critical precipitaions spells that are common to the most part of the area, ranges between two and 21 running days for occuring frequency higher than 40%; critical precipitations spells are missing or have a very low frequency from July till October.