摘要:The observations and measurements realized along the years on Someşul Cald reservoirs cascade system confirm the existence of some specific risk elements (silting, reduction of characteristic volumes, changes of the aquatic environment etc.). The cooperation with the specialized units engaged in the administration of lakes (“Romanian Waters” National Administration – „Someş-Tisa” Water Branch, S. C. Hidroelectrica S.A. – Cluj Branch, S. C. „Someş” S.A. Cluj Water Company), has proved fruitful, as they made possible to supplement the information database. The application of digital analysis and G.I.S. technology in the data processing, made possible the setting of some important digital models and conclusions, as well as the establishment of the short-term tendencies of evolution of the phenomena and processes in the basins. The results obtained were applied to the activity performed by the fore mentioned institutions.
关键词:reservoir; silting; G.I.S. techniques and analysis; digital models.