The study sought to determine effects of institutional related factors, affecting the implementation of strategic
plans in local authorities in Kenya with a view on the Municipal council of Eldoret strategic plan. The study
adopted a descriptive research design on a sample of 254 respondents who were selected through purposive,
stratified and snowball sampling from a target population of 836 employees. Data collection was done by the use
of questionnaires and interview schedules and the data analyzed by the aid of Statistical Package of Social
Scientists Program (SPSS). The findings were summarized using statistical measures of central tendency,
measures of dispersion and asymmetry. Data was presented using tables. Based on the study findings it was
concluded that Municipal council of Eldoret faced challenges in the implementation of her strategic plan. This
included institutional related factors, such as inadequate technological resources, insufficient management
systems, and limited control over the implementation of the strategic plan, insufficient management approaches
and inadequate support from the central government. The study recommended that the Municipal council of
Eldoret should recruit enough expertise, review its management strategies, and provide adequate technical
resources and a friendly working environment.