Welcome to the first issue of Volume 9 of Journal of University Teaching and Learning (JUTLP) in 2012. Higher education institutions continue to adapt to the many changes occurring in education. Increasing pressures on systems and the people who work within them are becoming more evident. For this journal one such impact has been the submission of several papers which have evidence of plagiarism or self-plagiarism. Contributing factors may indeed be increased pressure to publish and a lack of understanding of what constitutes plagiarism amongst inexperienced authors. In the Higher Education Teaching and Learning group in Linkedin (http://tinyurl.com/HETL-SOTL) suggestions have been offered in terms of education for authors and reviewers to address the problem. It seems that new technologies, as well as those that have been around for quite some time, offer both advantages and disadvantages for academic activity. Fortunately, for many of our authors the use of technology to support teaching and learning is providing avenues for increased support for student learning.