Background: We previously reported that the supratarsal Mueller's muscle is innervated by both sympathetic efferent fibers and trigeminal proprioceptive afferent fibers, which function as mechanoreceptors-inducing reflexive contractions of both the levator and frontalis muscles. Controversy still persists regarding the role of the mechanoreceptors in Mueller's muscle; therefore, we clinically and histologically investigated Mueller's muscle. Methods: We evaluated the role of phenylephrine administration into the upper fornix in contraction of Mueller's smooth muscle fibers and how intraoperative stretching of Mueller's muscle alters the degree of eyelid retraction in 20 patients with aponeurotic blepharoptosis. In addition, we stained Mueller's muscle in 7 cadavers with antibodies against α-smooth muscle actin, S100, tyrosine hydroxylase, c-kit, and connexin 43. Results: Maximal eyelid retraction occurred approximately 3.8 minutes after administration of phenylephrine and prolonged eyelid retraction for at least 20 minutes after administration. Intraoperative stretching of Mueller's muscle increased eyelid retraction due to its reflexive contraction. The tyrosine hydroxylase antibody sparsely stained postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers, whereas the S100 and c-kit antibodies densely stained the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) among Mueller's smooth muscle fibers. A connexin 43 antibody failed to stain Mueller's muscle. Conclusions: A contractile network of ICCs may mediate neurotransmission within Mueller's multiunit smooth muscle fibers that are sparsely innervated by postganglionic sympathetic fibers. Interstitial cells of Cajal may also serve as mechanoreceptors that reflexively contract Mueller's smooth muscle fibers, forming intimate associations with intramuscular trigeminal proprioceptive fibers to induce reflexive contraction of the levator and frontalis muscles.