摘要: Purpose: The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that databases of consumer mind-sets, created by
experimental design, can be combined and analyzed to identify new product opportunities for foods and beverages.
Methodology/Approach: This paper analyzes responses to test concepts about bottled water from five different mind-set
databases (Crave It! 2001 for adults, teens; Drink It! 2002 and 2004; Healthy You! 2003), each focusing on a different aspect
of food/drink, but each containing a study about bottled water. The databases combine conjoint analysis with extensive
classification, which generate parallax views about bottled water from different vantage points
PracticalImplications: Based upon strong performance of specific elements across databases for different end-uses, the analyses suggest that a market exists for bottled water containing strong health benefits, as well as a strong opportunity for functional bottled water specifically targeting younger consumers.
Originality: The paper presents a unique new approach to understanding the mind-set of consumers by combining information
from concept databases.