摘要:The level of uncertainty and risk that economic actors are currently confronted with, be they individuals, companies or other categories of organizations, is high, the more so since the whole process of economic decision-making is regarded with extreme circumspection. The heightened dynamics of contemporary economy and the difficulty of predicting its evolution have brought about the need for every measure targeting the labour sector to have a wide range of interventions in order to make a contribution to balancing the demands of real economy with the ability of the labour supply of adapting itself to the fast changes in the economic environment. Given this overall context, flexicurity policies play a central part in all development strategies yet there isn't always an institutional and administrative capacity of implementing in a correct, coherent and prompt manner all the measures called for to reach the targets set in terms of employment, sustainable economic and social development, strengthening the knowledge-based economy, etc. The present paper sets out to outline some clarifications pertaining to the conceptual and methodological framework of flexicurity. Moreover, we will attempt to outline some of the main lines of flexicurity policies in EU countries, given the significant existing lags between developed countries and those recently joining the EU27.
关键词:labour market; employment; economic neoliberalism; flexibility of;the labour market; labour security; flexicurity