摘要:This research revisits the work of Demps and Baker (2010), which analyzed employee perceptions of salary reductions to maintain employment. Their prior work explored two major questions: (a) would employees be willing to accept a reduction in salary in order to remain employed; and (b) how committed would employees remain to their organizations if their salaries were reduced and organizational leaders’ salaries were maintained or increased. Based on the results of the previous study, it was determined that more research was needed to obtain greater insight into this phenomenon. As a result, this current study was conducted to re-explore the same phenomenon while comparing the perceptions between Baby Boomers and Generation X. Additionally, the following variables that could contribute to the perceptions of the two groups were analyzed: a) gender; b) seniority; c) organizational role; d) salary; and e) whether or not upper management also takes a salary reduction.
关键词:perceptions; salary reductions; baby boomers; generation x