In the absence of comprehensive, systematic and precize data on international migration in Serbia, and consequently the analysis of migration trends, their drivers and outcomes, the objective of this paper is to offer the review of contemporary migration flows in Serbia. International migration flows are observed in the context of semi-peripheral position of Serbia in the global system, and hindered transformation and development. Migrations are analyzed at the macro level, according to the key dimensions, such as the intensity, directions of flows and characteristics of migrants. The analysis is grounded in the basic classification to outward and inward migration flows (emigration and immigration), including some that include both aspects as they are transit migrations from underdeveloped to developed countries through the territory of Serbia. Within this basic division, migration flows are analyzed separately depending on their legal status as defined by present international and national normative frameworks, as well as by motivation for migration. In addition to the analysis of main migratory trends, the attention is focused to the actual migration management policies.