Entreprenership has been observed as one of the important factors that help to lift the economy of a nation. Due
to the fact that women play an equal role in the development of a country, this study aims to identify the
environmental, personality and motivational factors that may lead to entrepreneurial decision. A comparison of
these three factors is studied among women entrepreneurs in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with
women non-entrepreneurs. A thorough literature had been reviewed to understand the entrepreneurial decision
among women. This study is based on a questionnaire survey and the results indicate that there is a significant
difference in environmental, personality and motivational factors among women entrepreneurs and
non-entrepreneurs. The environmental factors found psychological support, benefit from environment, and
previous work condition as significant predictors of women entreprenuership while the nine significant
personality differences observed in this study are that the entrepreneurs portray more reasoning skills, emotional
stability, vigilance and abstractness. Apart from that, entrepreneurs are also found to have more privateness, high
openness to change, perfectionism, more tension and less liveliness. Finally for motivation factors, results
revealed that individual core is not a significant predictor of women entreprenuership.