期刊名称:International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
摘要:The present investigation was an exploratory attempt to study the play facilities (home) available for employed and non-employed mothers children for their after school activities. A representative sample of 180 mothers (90 employed mothers and 90 nonemployed mothers having eldest child 6-9 years) belonging to nuclear families of Udaipur, Rajasthan were selected. Data were collected using self-structured Interview schedule (Child’s After School Activity Schedule). The results of the study revealed that employed mothers children were having more facilities of indoor games as compared to children of non-employed mothers. The majority of games both outdoor and indoor games were falling in ‘destructive’ games instead being constructive or recreational games. Among computer/ video games category majority of games were falling in ‘action games’ in the case of both employed and nonemployed mother’s children. In the book category the least number of books fall in ‘educational books’ category among children of employed and non-employed mothers. In toys and books category no difference was found among employed and nonemployed mothers children. Significant difference was found between facilities available for after school activities of employed and non-employed mothers’ children. In the case of facilities provided at home, except toys category, significant difference was found in the entire sub aspects i.e. videogame, books, movies and games among children of employed and non-employed mothers which concludes that employment has an effect on availability of facilities for children. The significant difference was found among all the entire sub aspects of facilities i.e. videogames, books and movies and toys between boys and girls except games children have at their homes. Thus, exposure to violent media may cause children to be more aggressive; TV, movies, and video game use cause weight gain and obesity. Hence, mothers need to see critically what the play materials are available at home for betterment of children.
关键词:Games. Children. Employed and Non-employed Mothers. Books. Videogames. Toys