摘要:The issue of flu outbreak especially influenza H1N1 has been widely discussed nowadays. For those medical personnel who are exposing to measure temperature of a potential patient is recognized as a risky mission. Besides the medical personnel, firefighter also facing the similar risk related with temperature in their career. Heat injury is the major problem for the firefighter since they wear insulated clothing which is not able to shed the heat generated from physical exertion when they extinguish fire. Hence, a temperature sensing mobile robot via Bluetooth is proposed as an alternative solution for temperature measurement. In this project, a prototype mobile robot with simple locomotion mechanism and temperature sensor has been developed to measure human and environment temperature. This prototype includes KC-21 Bluetooth module as a platform to communicate with mobile Bluetooth, and LM35z temperature sensor to measure temperature. The mobile robot can move around and measure temperature according to the command or instruction of the user using mobile Bluetooth. The control range of this mobile robot is around 10m and it can measure temperature up to 150°C. A circuit controller board based on PIC16F877A is developed. Results show that, the temperature sensor has about 2.356% error when measuring human temperature while 0.88% error for measuring environment temperature.