摘要:Recently people do not only use mobile phone to call, but also use it to send a SMS. However, it is difficult to express own complicated emotion with text and emoticon of exited SMS service. We pay attention to express user’s emotion interesting and correct, we use character animation. This paper suggests emotion based gesture animation generation system that uses character's facial expression and gesture to delivery emotion excitably and clearly. Michael[1] investigated interview of two people who has stylized gesture. They suggested gesture generation graph for stylized gesture animation. In this paper, we focus to analyze and extract emotional gestures of Disney animation characters and create 3D models of extracted emotional gestures. To express emotion of person, we use emotion gesture generation graph that import the emotion flow graph that expresses emotion flow for probability. We investigated user reaction for research proprieties of suggested system and the alternation propriety
关键词:Mobile phone 3D animation; Emotional gesture generation; Emotion flow;Gesture profile; Mobile phone 3D engine