摘要:Most of the localization algorithms have performed localization utilizing absolute point-to- point distance estimates. If the sensor network is not cooperative, there’s no information about the strength of the original signal so that the location of a target node is hard to be found. It allows ratiometric location algorithm to be proposed. GPS algorithm give accurate location of unknown node, however it needs the absolute distance between the nodes. Ratiometric GPS iteration (RGPSi) localization method combines GPS and ratiometric algorithm for utilizing the benefits of two algorithms. RGPSi algorithm results in a little more position error and longer iteration than GPS algorithm. We introduce the method that helps ratiometric GPS iteration algorithm to be more accurate and reduce the iteration numbers through the angle of arrival localization algorithm. Not to add computation complexity to the RGPSi algorithm, nonlinear angle to location relationship is made linear. The proposed RGPSi combined with AOA algorithm shows more accurate position errors and less iteration numbers.