期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:Main objective of this paper is to discuss how to utilize the Cloud Computing (CC) applications for effective functioning of E-Governance activities in India. So, far technocrats as been utilizing various conventional based logical software applications for functioning of EGovernance. Unfortunately appropriate governments failed to get desired results through the existing available applications. Due to this cause of the deficiency, the author proposing sophisticated and suitable Cloud Computing applications just like Accounting, Business Intelligence, Backup, Budgeting, Forecasting, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), E-Mail Collaboration or Groupware, Software as a Service (SaaS),Business Process Management (BPM), Document Management System, Email Marketing, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),Human Resource Management (HRM), Investment Tracking and Management (ITM), Operating System, Project Management, School Management, Time Tracking, Translation Management etc., to overcome the existing real time operations of E-Governance problems and issues includes Inaccessibility, Cost, False sense of transparency and accountability etc., Cloud Computing can be used as an Service Oriented Programming (SOP) that uses “services” as the unit of computer work, to design and implement integrated business applications and mission critical software programs. Finally, Author will discuss further sophisticated Cloud Computing applications elaborately in full fledged paper to make the E-Governance user-friendly.