摘要:We contend that Californians have found a way to demand accountability in their schools, while eliminating the radical consequences school vouchers could have on their public school system (McEwan, 2000). Senator Alpert’s Public Schools Accountability Act of 1999 – Intermediate Intervention/Under-performing Schools Program (II/USP) takes out the “do or die” stealth market competition feared by opponents of vouchers, and allows time for our public schools to improve their “product of instruction” and meet community demands. The final caveat that propels Senator Alpert’s initiative to succeed is that it includes a “last ditch effort” for parents whose children remain in a failing school. Should a local school not rise to the level of improvement planned by the community, parents hold the final right and option to place their child in a school environment that proves to be successful. II/USP seems to successfully combine necessary over sight, accountability and increased funding to improve our schools, while offering parents the comfort of knowing the best education ultimately is available to all students.