标题:Some Remarks on Reconstructing the Prehistoric Linguistic Relationships of the Tai-Kadai Language Family and Its Putative Linguistic Affiliations with Other Language Families: A Review Article
期刊名称:International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities
出版社:International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities
摘要:From the outset the researcher has approached the topic of this review article with great trepidation. Obviously, the paper does not purport to provide final answers or solutions to problems associated with the reconstruction of the linguistic prehistory of the Tai-Kadai language family or even less definitive conclusions concerning the ethnolingustic affiliations or affinities with other language families. Even so, the researcher has the temerity to review research investigations impinging on this topic in the work of archaeologists, geneticists, historians and linguists. Special attention is directed to recent advances in genetic investigations of the peopling of Asia. It is in the context that the researcher discusses what can be inferred from these investigations concerning the prehistoric linguistic relationships between the Tai-Kadai the Austronesian, and the Austro-Tai language families, on the one hand, and the languages of the Baiyue (Chinese: 百越; Bǎiyuè) peoples on the other. As such, this review article offers suggestions for reclassifying the Tai-Kadai language family and related language families with which it was associated or had affinities so as to include the Bǎiyuè (or Hundred Yue) languages and some of its subdivisions, including proto-Yaht and proto-Vietnamese (Việt) in the prehistory of these language groups.
关键词:Peopling of Asia; the Austronesian language family; the Austro-Tai hypothesis;Baiyue; Tai-Kadai language family