出版社:International Association for Computer Information Systems
摘要:Over the past thirty years, the evolution of data warehousing (DW) has provided database management and decision support while concurrently furthering the development of business intelligence and knowledge management strategies through the conduits of people, processes, and technology. This paper offers a literature review of the impact and influence that a fourth and ‘softer’ perspective, corporate culture, brings to the successful implementation and the growth of a DW. The theories and opinions of subject matter experts and social scientists are reviewed, as well as a nod to the past and a look to the future through the lens of the preeminent data warehousing ‘giants of industry’, Kimball and Inmon.
关键词:Data Warehousing; Social Science; Corporate (Organizational) Culture; Kimball; Inmon; Big Data;Analytics; Textualized ETL; Textual BI; Business Intelligence; Information Systems; Information Technology;Knowledge Management; Workaround