The purpose of the article was to analyse the activities of Polish farmers in program 132 Participation of farmers in food quality systems in 2009 to 2011. At European level, food quality schemes include Traditional Speciality Guaranteed, Protected Designation of Origin, Protected Geographical Indication and Organic production. On the national level, the accepted system are as follows: Integrated production, Quality - Tradition, Quality Meat Program, Pork Quality System and Quality Assurances for Food Products. In Poland 31 795 applications were submitted by farmers under the schemes included in the 132nd in 2009-2011. There were differences in terms of farmers’ activity by the regions. The subsidies provided to the farmers had different forms, but the amount of subsidy depended on the system in which they participated. Majority of farmers applied for Integrated Manufacturing and Organic production. There was no interest in Traditional Speciality Guaranteed and Quality-Tradition.