出版社:Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento (AIT)
摘要:The aim of this study is to assess the potential effectiveness of GMES Space Component Sentinel Missions for land-based environmental policy support in the Azores Autonomous Region (Portugal). Sixteen different types of legal and spatial instruments are currently being applied in this region. Most of them require detailed and accurate Land-use/Land-cover cartography in order to deliver reliable outputs at municipal, island and archipelagic scales. Sentinel-2 Mission products can fulfill these requirements in a cost-effective way. A Spatial Data Infrastructure-based Regional GMES framework is proposed in order to process, assess, validate and integrate this GMES data into the decision support system of Azorean regional land policies.
关键词:GMES; Sentinel Missions; Outermost Regions; Azores; Land Policy; LULC Mapping.