摘要:Dairy Farming is a class of agricultural, or more properly, an animal husbandry enterprise, raising female cattle, goats, or certain other lactating livestock for long term production of Milk, which may be either processed on site or transported to a dairy for processing and eventual retail sale. Most dairy farms sell the male calves borne by their cows/buffaloes usually for real production, rather than raising Non-Milk Producing Stock. Many dairy farms also grow their own feed, typically including corn, alfalfa and hay. This is fed directly to the Milching animals, or stored as silage for use during the slack season. Additional dietary supplements are added to the feed the increase quality Milk production Dairying has been a part and parcel of Indian culture and civilization from the ancient times and remains so even today. Dairy farming plays a very important role in improving the economy of the country. Milk has an important place in human diet.