摘要:The tanning industry was designated as “Red category” due to the high pollution contributed by its solid and liquid wastes. It generates huge amount of wastes that frequently accumulate in the environment and spoil the entire environment. Tannin which is present in the effluent are soluble phenolic compounds with high molecular weight ranging from 500 mg/l to 3000 mg/l and can combine with proteins, cellulose, gelatin and pectin to form an insoluble complex. Tannins inhibit the growth of micro organisms resist microbial attack and are recalcitrant in the environment. The present study focused mainly on the biological method of removal of tannin from the effluent which involved in the bioremediation process. The microorganism such as bacteria, fungi and yeast are selected to asses the biodegradation capacity of tannin. The treatability studies of microbes are carried out to reduce the toxicity of the effluent.