摘要:It is broadly recognised that image-building is a process where communication in all its aspects can be effectively used. A reputation, on the other hand, is defined as the general opinion held by different people based on merits or demerits earned by a country, a corporate or even an individual. Reputation is an enduring character that is quietly understood. Apart from advertising, every industry and every corporate strives, and sometimes struggles, to build a reputation and then manage it. Companies in India are purely sales-focused and for them PR is only a cheap alternative (with editorial publicity) vis-à-vis advertising. But with increasing competition and customer awareness, Indian companies are realising the importance of PR. Public relations exercises have mainly focussed on creating, managing and leveraging relationships with trusted third parties in order to influence the key stakeholders such as shareholders, employees, vendors and customers. Effectively managed PR programmes ensure that they add value to the brand and also develop and maintain consistency in the brand message. This paper explores the importance of image management and building corporate reputation, the role of PR in sustaining a strong corporate image, the various dimensions of PR such as media relations, investor relations and the vital role played by PR in communicating activities relating to Corporate Social Responsibility