摘要:The present study attempted to explore the effect of hypnosis on the Subjective Well-Being of Post-Graduate students in Bangalore. The study was conducted on 5 postgraduate students (21-25 years.) who are currently pursuing their education in Bangalore. The study was based on a pre-test post-test model. First, a semi-structured interview was conducted, aimed at assessing the level of Subjective Well-Being of the participant, followed by two session of hypnosis over a period of two weeks (one session per week). The hypnosis sessions were directed at increasing the Subjective Well-Being of the participants. This was then followed by another semi-structured interview which was intended to see if there was any significant change in the perceived level of Subjective Well-Being. The Subjective Well-Being was defined as constituting of 6 components, which are Self-acceptance, Positive relations with others, Autonomy, Environmental- Mastery, Purpose in Life, Personal Growth.