摘要:On the ninth of October, 1818 Keats wrote to J.A. Hessey about the defects of the poem" Endymion". He wrote - "That which is creative must create itself". (Letters 1.242- 3). This is the concept of the Organic Form as different form. The Rhetorical form in the latter is the imposition of form on thought from outside. The former is the creation of form from within; every feeling has its own form of expression; the form comes with the thought itself; it grows and develops with the feeling. This is the organic beauty of poetry. Keats understood it after so many continuous failures. He failed because, in this own words, he "moved into the Go-cart from the leading strings". ( Letters, 1, 116 -7 ). Thoughts were his own but the forms he borrowed from Spenser, Milton or Shakespeare. His thoughts should have their own forms. He achieved this organic unity of thought and form, for the first time, in his Odes.