摘要:Children constitute a major consumer market, they have very strong power to influence purchase decisions, and they have been playing important role in the family buying process with direct purchasing power for snacks and sweets, and indirect purchase influence while shopping for big-ticket items. Children are getting stronger and they use different strategies to persuade their parents. This paper attempts to highlight the different strategies which children today use to influence their parents. A child's demographic factors like age, gender and number of child's siblings have an important role in the usage of different influence tactics by children. The study was conducted through primary survey (questionnaire) on 175 children in the age-group 8- 12 years. Collected data was analyzed based on frequency distributions. The collected data were summarized, coded, and manipulated by using Statistical Package for Social Scientists 16.0 (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel. The general findings of the study suggest that demographics play an important role only in few influence strategies like emotional and persuasion. Marketers should understand this and make effort in tapping the right chord to make their product more buyable by families.