摘要:The quality of water, whether it is used for drinking, irrigation or recreational purposes, is significant. In responding to the challenge of improving water quality, countries develop standards intended to protect public health. Recognizing this, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a series of normative "guidelines" that present an authoritative assessment of the health risks associated with exposure to health hazards through water and of the effectiveness of approaches to their control. Water quality around the city is under the problem. Due to discharge of west water from the urban centers in the river channels, fresh water getting polluted. In Maharashtra state most of the cities are producing maximum west water disturbing the quality of channels water near the urban centers. This paper focuses on the current status of urban west water the Maharashtra and case study of Ahmednagar city. The city Ahmednagar is a district centre located on the left bank of Sina River. Since River Sina enter in the city, quality of water in channel fall down sudden. The cause is nothing but untreated urban west water. Water quality has been tested by using the WATER ANALYSER – 371.The pH, temperature and other parameter have considered for analysis and it shows that the water quality in the river channel is not natural.