摘要:Efficient recovery management is a sine qua non for survival of banking institutions. The banks must be able get their money back in stipulated time, which they disburse as loans and advances to the clients. Now a day , in operational sense the efficient recovery performance may be considered as the single pointer of successful loan operations of the bank. In fact, phenomenon of overdue loans has created a serious problem of Non-Performing Assets (NP A) for the banker . There are a number of factors which give rise to the recovery problem. It is, ther efore, utmost important for the bank to strictly monitor it's NP A and keep it at lowest level, in order to keep itself away fr om the thr eat of sanctions by RBI. In short, as the NP A drains the profitability and endangers the very existence of the bank, the management of the bank has to take genuine inter est in monitoring the loan operations and ther eby NP A. The norms suggested by RBI in connection with the disbursement recovery have to be followed rigorously to avoid undesirable consequences of NP A. In the present paper , an attempt is made to understand how efficiently the NP A has been managed by Kallappanna A wade Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd., Ichalkaranj during period under observation.