Right now zigzags are activating. They may not be at the forefront of the actions and events taking place at this moment but they are occurring. Zigzags, a transversality of sound and colour in Sher Doruff’s “ZeNeZ and the RE[a]DShift BOOM!”, open this fourth issue of Inflexions by activating several movements that emerge from the middle, the space of the in-between. As an expression of the zigzags found in her graphical essay, Doruff’s title derives from a comment that Gilles Deleuze made in the final interview with Claire Parnet for the program L'Abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze (1994), where upon reaching the letter Z he muses that “he sees Zen as the reverse of Nez (nose), which is also a zigzag” (Stivale 2008: 20). We can see both the words “Zen” and “Nez” in Doruff’s title but she changes Deleuze’s palindrome by altering the simple zigzag reading of the word. By situating the letter “N” so that it overlaps in both words, Doruff’s new compound word produces a zigzag, or transversal, movement that emerges in its reading. The “N” shifts from one word to the other as it is read overcoming the need to read the word both forwards and backwards but still leaving the potential for a palindromic reading.