出版社:Universidad de Granada * Departamento de Didactica de la Lengua y la Literatura
摘要:Nowadays all educational authorities in Europe are making an effort to teach foreign languages starting at very early ages. Teachers of English at nursery and pre-school levels used to produce their own materials, although in the last few years we have seen a flourishing amount of teaching methods and materials for young learners issued by every well-known publishing house. With this panorama in mind, the difficulty of the teacher’s task has changed from one side to the other, as some times it is not easy to decide which books children should or shouldn’t buy. Taking this need into consideration, in this paper we intend to study all the elements involved in the assessment of course books and supplementary materials for young learners and provide examples of evaluation templates. The analysis includes the physical format of coursebooks, the components of the methods the authors, their adequacy in terms of Ministry of Education requirements, and then, the contents taught with the underlying pedagogy. There are other elements such as audiovisual aids and educational software, also taken into consideration.