期刊名称:International Journal of Environmental and Science Education
摘要:This study focused on human-otter interactions in Slovenia. The aim of the study was to obtain data about secondary-school students’ knowledge of and attitudes toward the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) and its conservation. The survey was carried out in fall 2008 and winter 2008–09 and included 273 teenagers. Their average age was 15.57 (SD = 1.01, Min = 13, Max = 19). The sample consisted of 92 (33.7%) males and 181 (66.3%) females. Participants were asked to complete a detailed self-administered questionnaire with 18 attitude questions and 8 factual-knowledge questions about Eurasian otter conservation. The results showed that teenagers’ attitudes toward the Eurasian otter are favourable and pro-conservation. Teenagers’ positive attitudes toward otter conservation were registered despite their poor knowledge. The study revealed that better factual knowledge correlates with positive attitudes. The data also indicated that females disagreed more strongly than males with attitude statements expressing opposition to otter conservation.