期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:With the proliferation of the web into a prevale nt tool for most of the e -activitie s such as e-commerce, e-le arni ng, e-govern men t, e -scien ce, its purpose has pervaded to th e helm of every day work. The Web is enormou s, wi dely scattered, global source for information services, hype rlink information, acces s and usage of informati on and website con tents and organizations. Besi de s, The Web h ad made a hu ge impact and revolution in the role and availability of informati on. In all the way, the Web i s enormous and growi ng at a stagge ring rate, which has made it incre asin gly in tricate an d crucial for both people an d programs to have qu ick and accurate acces s to Web information and services. Buri ed i n the enormous, multi -dimensional, hete rogeneous and dis tribu ted in formation on the Web is th e knowledge h aving gre at potenti al value. With the rapid deve lopment of th e Web, it is imperative to provide us ers with tools for efficien t an d effective res ource and knowledge discove ry. S earch engines have assu med a ce ntral role in the World Wide Web's infrastru cture as i ts scale an d impact have escalated
关键词:pe rsonalization; recommen dati on; in teres ted domains; collaborative fi lteri ng