期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:Ad-hoc network s are an emerging area of mob ile co mputing . There a re va riou s challenges that are faced in the Ad-ho c enviro nment. AODV is an o n demand ro uting net work pro toco l whi ch is speciall y design for Ad ho c network. Thi s p roto col is Mix ture of DSR and DSDV ro uting pro toco l. Ad Ho c network is p arti cularly vulnerable due to t he lack of any centra lized infrastructure. However, the t ypica l on demand rout ing p roto cols for Ad Hoc netwo rks s uch as AODV a nd DS R have no securi ty co nsid erati ons a nd t rust all t he pa rticipants to correctly forward rout ing a nd d ata t raffi c. In this pap er , the fo und ational conception of Ad Hoc networks and the rout ing attacks in them a re introd uced . A secure ro uting so lutio n b ased on watchdog mechani sm a nd credence value mecha nism is p ropo sed o ver t he AODV. The watchdog mechani sm i s d efined to jud ge whether a node has abno rma l behavi our in p rocess of forward ing info rmat ion. The cred ence va lue mechanism is used t o evalua te a node's credit standing . The performance of avera ge end -to-end del ay, p acket dro p ra tio, routing lo ad and averag e throug hput are p roved wel l by comp uter simulati on
关键词:Ad-ho c wireless net work ; Ro uting Alg orit hm; AODV; Forward Route; Reverse Ro ute