期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:In this pa per we review a secure electronic payment system for Inter net transacti on.The electronic payment system is to be secure fo r Int ernet tra nsaction part icipa nts such as Payment gateway server, Bank sever and Mercha nt server. The securit y architecture of the system is desi gned by using Ma ny Security Proto cols and techniques, which eliminates the fraud tha t occurs today wit h sto len credi t card/deb it ca rd p ayment informatio n and customer information. Elect ronic commerce involves the ex change o f some form o f money for goo ds and services over the Internet but today, Internet is a n insecure and unreli able media. The asymmetric key cryp tosystem Method olog y with help of Security Proto col, secure co mmunication tunnel techniques ca n p rotect co nventiona l transaction data such as a ccount numb ers, a mou nt a nd o ther informat ion
关键词:SSL/ TLS and S ET Pro tocol; sy mmetric & asymmetric Methodolog y; TCP/ IP prot ocol ; Dual ;sig natures; and Communicati on tunnel techni ques