期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:Image enhanceme nt aims at improvin g the quality of image for better visualization. This paper pres ents three methods of image enhancement: - GHE, LHE an d DS IHE that i mpro ve th e vis ual quality of images. In this pape r, we impleme nt an d examin e the e ffect of above men tione d te chniques based on obje ctive and subjective image qu ality parame ters (like PSNR, NAE, S C, AE and MOS ) to meas ure the qu ality of gray s cale e nhan ced images. A comparati ve analysis is also bein g carried out. For h andling gray-level images, Hi stogram Equalizati on (HE) methods (l ike GHE and LHE) tend to ch ange the mean brightne ss of an image to mi ddle level of th e gray-level range limi ting their appropri aten ess for con tras t enh ance men t in consu mer electronics. Th e DS IHE meth ods seem to overcome this disadvantage as the y ten d to prese rve both, the brightn ess and contrast en hanceme nt, th ough at the cost of natu ralne ss of the inpu t image
关键词:Contras t enh ance men t; his togram equaliz ation ; PS NR; NAE; MO S ; SC; AE; image enhan cement; visual quality