期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:The MIPv6 a nd HMIPv6 a re the mobi lity mana gement soluti ons to support the IP mobil ity. Altho ugh HMIPv6 is a n extension of MIPv6 stil l there is handover latency and pack et lo ss in HMIPv6 . In the p resent st udies a scheme is supp osed to suppo rt a fast hand over effi ciently in hierarchi cal mobi le IPv6 netwo rks (HMIPv6 ). In HMIPv6 when a mob ile node (MN) moves from a o ne MAP regi on to ano ther, the n there is a di srup tion of co nnection as well a s pa cket loss due to long ha ndo ver la tency. To overcome these problems, an efficient fast handover scheme i s adopted from FMIPv6 to optimize the p erfo rmance o f the int er-MAP handover. T he hand over latency for MIPv6 & HMIPv6 wa s co mpa red to the p ropo sed scheme wi th a nalytical mod el. By review stud y, we sho w that the proposed scheme has bett er performa nce comp ared to MIPv6 & HMIPv6 in terms o f handover la tency and packet l oss.