期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:Wireless sen sor n etworks h ave the ability to monitor the ph ysical environ ment and mainly ne twork used in mili tary and civilians application s. The se nsor node has limi ted e nergy an d the re is a ke y ch allen ge to reduce the energy con sumption in t he n etwork. The h uge amount of data gene rated in the network to manage the data in the network we propose an index based coope rative caching sche me. These tech niqu es re duce the communi cation cos t for tran smitting data and efficiently process the data queries. In dex n ode stores the location of cachin g nodes s o que ries are n ot routed in the wh ole network
关键词:W;irel ess se nsor network s; cooperative cachi ng; cache admission con trol; cache index