期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:S tealth y packet dropping is a suite for attack such as misrouting and that can be eas ily laun ched against multiradi o wi reles s ne twork s. S tealthy packe t droppin g dis rupts the pack et from reaching the de stination through malicious behavior at an in termediate node. However, the malicious n ode gives the i mpre ssion to i ts neighbors that i t performs the legitimate forwarding action. Moreove r, a legitimate node comes under su spici on. A popular me thod for dete cting attacks i n wi reless network s is be havior-based detection performe d by normal n etwork nodes throu gh overhe arin g the commun ication in thei r nei ghborhood. We sh ow th at local moni torin g, an d th e wider cl ass of ove rhearing-based detection, cannot dete ct ste alth y packet dropping attacks. Ad ditionally, it mistakenly dete cts and is olate s a l egitimate node . We present a protocol calle d S ADEC that can de tect and i solate ste alth y packet dropping attack efficien tly. S ADEC presen ts two te chni ques that can be overlaid on bas eline local monitoring: having the neigh bors mai ntain addition al in formation about the routing path and adding some che cking respon sibili ty to each neighbor. Additi onall y, S ADEC pro vides an i nnovative mechani sm to better utilize local mon itori ng by con siderably incre asin g the nu mbe r of n odes in a neighborhood that can do monitoring
关键词:Multi radio wi reles s network s; S tealth y attack s; Local monitoring; Packet misroutin g