摘要:Kot so pokazali dogodki ob nedavni svetovni finan.ni krizi in njenem razmahu v gospodarstvu, tudi v Sloveniji delovanje finan.nih trgov ne more biti v celoti prepu..eno samo tr.nim silam, saj banke in druge zasebne finan.ne institucije zasledujejo predvsem lastne, predvidoma kratkoro.ne profitne interese ter ne .elijo oz. niso sposobne ustreznega financiranja vseh gospodarskih aktivnosti (npr. mala in srednja podjetja oz. MSP). Interesi zasebnega ban.nega sektorja, kot temeljnega finan.nega alokacijskega mehanizma v Sloveniji, so lahko oz. so pogosto v nasprotju z interesi .ir.e dru.be in njene blaginje. Zlasti na podro.ju t. i. razvojnega financiranja gospodarstva, ki predstavlja nekak.no .vmesno. obmo.je med delovanjem zasebnega finan.nega sektorja na eni strani ter .istimi dr.avnimi transferji na drugi strani, se pojavlja t. i. tr.na vrzel ter .tevilne nepravilnosti in asimetrije na posameznih podro.ij financiranja pomembnih socio-ekonomskih aktivnosti s .ir.imi dru.benimi eksternalijami. Namen prispevka je opredeliti koncept razvojnega financiranja gospodarstva ter orisati posamezne ekonomsko-pravne vidike na podro.ju ureditve razvojnega financiranja pri nas. V okviru omenjenega se prispevek osredoto.a zlasti na pregled in analizo posameznih dolo.il Zakona o slovenski izvozni in razvojni banki (ZSIRB) ter predlaga posamezne izbolj.ave obstoje.e pravno-ekonomske ureditve.
其他摘要:As the recent events connected to the global financial and economic crisis have shown also in Slovenia, the functioning of the financial markets cannot solely be left to market forces, since commercial banks and other private financial institutions follow their own interests, mainly short-term and profit driven. They are either unwilling and/or unable to provide adequate long-term financing to certain economic activities (e.g. small and medium enterprises or SMEs). Thus, the interests of the private banking sector, as the primary allocating mechanism in Slovenia can be and are often contradictory to that of the general public and its prosperity. This is particularly visible in the area of so called development financing, which represents a buffer area between the functioning of the private financial sector and pure state financing. In this area, a market gap, as well as several imperfections and asymmetries point to a need for external 'complementarity', of the invisible hand of Adam Smith. The purpose of this article is to define the concept of development financing of the real sector in Slovenia and to overview and analyze ZSIRB, the Law of the Slovene export and development bank, acting as the de facto leading development financial institution in Slovenia. In the concluding parts, some suggestions for alteration of ZSIRB are provided