摘要:Avtorja v prispevku predstavita temeljno ekonomsko teorijo financiranja visokega šolstva, torej prikaz različnih možnosti, ki jih ima država na voljo, ko postavlja oz. spreminja svoj model financiranja. Avtorja definirata temeljne zahteve, ki morajo biti spoštovane pri oblikovanju sistema financiranja, in sicer: zadostnost, učinkovitost in pravičnost ter predstavita temeljne razloge za javno in zasebno financiranje visokega šolstva. Prispevek zaključuje predstavitev različnih modelov alokacije javnih sredstev, katerih izbira je odvisna od ciljev, ki jih z javnim financiranjem želimo zasledovati.
其他摘要:The paper presents the basic economic theory of funding higher education. It displays various options which have to be considered when planning a reform of the funding model. The essential requirements which must be respected in the creation of the system of financing are: adequacy, efficiency and fairness. Authors also present the rationales for public and private funding of higher education. They conclude the paper with the presentation of various models of allocating public funds, depending on the chosen objectives that we want to pursue with the public funding.
关键词:financiranje visokega šolstva • zadostnost; učinkovitost in ;pravičnost • javno financiranje • zasebno financiranje
其他关键词:higher education finance • economic theory • sufficiency; ;efficiency and equity • public financing • private financing