摘要:The issue to be discussed in this article is to what extent does ICT create new challenges for the relationship between public service providers and users. It is important to recognize the concept of social capital because the concept is vital to the understanding of access to the information society and efficient functioning of government in its service to citizens. In this way we see social capital as a mediating "institution" between public authorities and the citizens (users).With this paper we hope to stimulate a public discussion and increase the awareness of the main challenges for public services and their users in the information society. By pointing out some main characteristics of the development of the welfare state up to present day, we discuss how information and communication technology (ICT) has in.uenced both past challenges and will in.uence new challenges in the information society. ICT is technology based on electronic impulses and can be understood as series of 0's and 1's. Examples are computers, digital cameras, handheld devices such as mobile phones, the Internet etc