摘要:Nevertheless, when reading through the papers in this issue, I also observed several passages connoting quite different issues, e.g. in the following: "I am a passionate, sensitive, emotional social worker..." (in Liza Manolis' contribution),"Amina's words rendered me powerless and I was afraid of the consequences..."(in Vyda Mamley Hervie's essay), "Important social work concepts such as ¡empowerment, diversity, self-respect¡" ( in Rolv Lyngstad's article) and "¡both of the authors experienced a feeling of loss owing to their attachment to the participants"(in Susanna Rautio's and Kati H.m.l.inen's contribution). Passionate, sensitive, emotional, powerlessness, fear, empowered, self-respect, feeling of loss, etc. are all labels signifying feelings or emotions among social workers, social work researchers or social work users. Hence, these articles, although some more implicitly, also cover a different matter of the characteristics of social work, i.e. what could be called emotional work or emotional labour (Hochschild, 2003
关键词:supplied to the papers in this issue of Journal of Comparative Social Work ;are argumentation; ;critical reflection; ;professional boundary;democratic ;professionalism; etc. ;For me;all of these;words connote ;intellectual;and ;rational ;social work;activities or practices. Thus; intellectual thinking and rationalization seem ;highly pertinent to social work research; as well as professional learning and ;practices around the world