摘要:The present study was conducted with the main purpose of identifying reading preferences of secondary school students and their related issues. The study was conducted on a total of 387 secondary school students of academic session 2010-12 in District Bahawalpur of Pakistan. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through questionnaire and interview schedule respectively by adopting survey method. The study concluded that secondary school students preferred to read books, magazines, poetry and other reading materials to get pleasure through edutainment, kill their leisure time during holidays and/ or at weekends and for their emotional gratification. The respondents preferred to read books on religion, literature, novels, magazines and story & romantic books. They were keen on reading newspaper, traveling story and scientific books, autobiographies and literature –poetry and drama. They faced problems in reading and setting their reading preferences like high costs of the books, context and circumstances, availability of books, time and their time management ability, examinations & academic workload, lack of guidance, personal interest, and their study circles or groups.