摘要:This Paperreportsthe distance educationpractices in Turkey, and then examinesand discussesthe role of leadership which should be undertaken by Turkey in the regionsof Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Baltic, Turkic, Caucasian,the Middle East and northernAfrica. International distance education organizations in the world are not well organized and functional in this area,nor arethe regional distance education institutions in the name of educational institutionalism.To fill this gap, it isargued here that Turkey takea leadership role in the distance education field in this region and therebyorganize the practices of the regional countries for their mutual co-prosperity and benefits.The structure of the potentialdistance education organizationand the regulations of the organizationisdiscussedin more detail based on this argument and available freely online at http://www.midasebook.com. The suggested name for this regional group is ICDEEEWA (International Council for Distance Education for Eastern Europe and West Asia). A draft of the constitution of the recommended association is presented and discussed at h