摘要:This study was carried out to ascertain the methods and materials for Religious education in adult education in Enugu State. The aim of the study was to find out the appropriate meth ods and materials to be applied in teaching religious education in Adult Education. The study was a descriptive survey. The population of the study was the Adult Education teachers in Adult secondary school in Enugu State. The sample size of the study was 300. Questionnaires were used in data collection and mean for data analysis. The finding included Group discu ssion, Role play, Lecture, Stories (proverbs and songs), project, questioning, case study, demonstration and field trips methods. The materials required include: Textbooks, the Bible, Koran, Cardboard, Play scripts, Manua ls, Puppetry, Audio visual, Visual Aids and Audio Visual Aids. It was recommended that the materials used in Adult learning should be related to the methods being used in the teaching process
关键词:religious education in adult education; Nigeria; methods for adults' religious education